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The UCL Philosophy Department offers up to two Keeling scholarships annually for graduate research in ancient philosophy, for students admitted to the MPhil. Stud. or the PhD programmes.  

  • These scholarships will fund tuition fees (UK only), and provide full AHRC-equivalent maintenance plus London allowance. The duration of the scholarship will be for two years (MPhil. Stud.) or for three years (MPhil/PhD).

  • Only applicants to UCL Philosophy research programmes can be considered for a Keeling Scholarship. MPhil Stud. students awarded a Keeling Scholarship in ancient philosophy are required to specialise to some extent in ancient philosophy over the two year programme, by completing at least two half year modules in the area of ancient philosophy, attending the weekly ancient philosophy reading group, take a dedicated graduate course in Ancient Greek language as required, and by writing their research thesis (25,000–30,000 words) on a topic in ancient philosophy. Other taught modules can be taken in any area of philosophy. PhD students awarded a Keeling Scholarship will be pursuing a doctorate on a topic in ancient philosophy, and are expected to be regular participants in the weekly Greek reading group and in the fortnightly Institute of Classical Studies (ICS) seminars.

  • Applicants should indicate on their application form that they wish to be considered for the Keeling Scholarship by writing 'Keeling Scholarship' in section §29 'Funding'. The deadline for applications to these programmes is usually July of the year the programme begins; however, those who wish to be considered for a Keeling Scholarship ought to apply by the LAHP deadline (usually January, see here). Guidance on the UCL application process can be found here. 

  • Details about UCL Philosophy research programmes can be found here.

  • Yaqub Eneborg

  • India Griffiths

  • Joe Sibley

  • Luca Dondoni

  • Lawrence Evans

  • Jelena Milosavljevic

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